Super Mario Galaxy


By Kalle Demos


Super Mario Galaxy is a fabulous game with original gameplay. In the game you explore galaxies, collect stars, and for some reason, spin. The game has tons of great galaxies to explore, each one different and individual. 


Super Mario Galaxy shares the same basic controls as Super Mario 64, and Super Mario Sunshine, with all your favorite jumps, like the long jump (direction+A+Z), the triple jump (direction+A+A+A), and the backwards somersault (Z+A). also in Super Mario Galaxy, they added the ability to spin by shaking the wii-mote. this is used for interacting with around 50% of the game, like killing certain enemies, pulling levers, and breaking crystals. Also in this game you only have 3 HP, and there is a lot less coins around, in fact, the main currency in the Galaxy series is star bits, you can shoot star bits by pressing B and they'll give you a one-up if you collect 50, but they don't heal you, that's why coins are still here. also if you want a hand P2 can jump in to stun enemies and collect/shoot star bits as a random orange cursor flinging across the screen.


The story wasn't very in depth at all, in fact the two only parts of the plot are at the beginning and at the ending, like most Mario games. But most of the bosses were very interesting in how to kill them and very cool generally. Once again, the story in Mario games is usually next to non-existent, if you want to play a game for it's story, I wouldn't suggest this game. Although the cutscenes were really cool.


The graphics for this game were very good considering it came out around when the wii was released, but I wouldn't say it has fantastic graphics or anything. The music is awesome, and it's fully orchestrated.


This game is very long. It has tons of power stars, most of the galaxies are awesome, and there are some epic bosses and puzzles throughout the game.


Overall, it's a great Mario game, with a new galactic twist, with everything expected in a Mario console platformer game and more. If you enjoyed Super Mario Sunshine, or Mario 64, this would probably be a good game for you.

Super Mario Galaxy 2


By Kalle Demos


Super Mario Galaxy 2 Is a brilliant game and is the sequel to Super Mario Galaxy game. The game is a great game, and they threw in Yoshi, adding new mechanics and bringing new life to concepts brought back from the old game. 


 Super Mario Galaxy 2 shares the same game-play as it's prequel Super Mario Galaxy, except now there's even more. Although they seemed to take out a lot of the good stuff like the Ice Flower, and the Boo Shroom, they added some more better things, like the Bulb Berry and the Cloud Flower. in all I'd say they have improved on the Game-play, but from what they could've done I expected more, so the number will stay at 19 out of 20.


Like I said in my previous review, if you want a game for it's story, I wouldn't suggest this game, because once again, like most Mario games, it barely has any story. But since this is a sequel, you'd imagine it would have some sort of connection to the prequel, making at least some plot, right? nope. Mario and Peach have forgotten entirely of what has happened again, and it throws you back into space with no clue at all that the prior game even existed.


The graphics were very good in this game, but the one thing that really attached me to this game, was the atmosphere, the world. It seemed much more positive then the first game, and seemed a lot better and a lot brighter. The music in this game was once again fully orchestrated, but I think they songs themselves were better, Like the Melty Molten Galaxy theme, and the Throwback Galaxy theme. if you're a big Nintendo fan, and enjoy a game with great music and good graphics, this would be a good game for you.


This game went by incredibly fast compared to the First game, and yet, I find myself playing this game even more anyway. Whenever I think of playing the first game I always end up playing this game anyway. This game seems a lot more quick to the action, and basically throws you right into the Galaxies compared to the first one. there's a lot less filling in and running around in this game, but it gets to the content which is great for a pick up and play kind of game. to beat the game it'll take you around a week to a month to beat (depending on how fast you go through games) but I'd say it'll always be fun.


In all, this game is a lot better than the prequel when in comes to actual content, but they seemed to move backwards in a lot of places. Despite the crappy bosses, I'd say that this game has definitely improved and seems even more amazing them it's prequel. If you've played the last Super Mario Galaxy Game and liked it, this is definitely a game for you, and even if you haven't played the prequel, it's still a great game and I strongly suggest any Nintendo fan gets it.

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